Steve Zbranek, owner/partner of Zbranek & Holt Custom Homes had the recent pleasure of speaking to the Women’s Chamber of Commerce of Texas headquartered in Austin at their recent August meeting.
Steve Zbranek with Rose Batson, Founding Member of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce of Texas during August luncheon.
Zbranek who comes with a string of accolades after his name, national cover stories to his credit and speaking gigs on his packed calendar. But this celebrated Master Builder of luxury custom homes built his successful bricks and mortar business from scratch — referral by meticulous referral in a difficult industry that often disappoints its buyers.
Now he’s on another mission – to single-handedly try to improve everybody’s buying experience through private consulting and group presentations. And in so doing, he aims to show business people how to drive sales using what he calls “assertive customer service.”
In this lively, interactive presentation, Steve offered his critical and often humorous view of customer service today, and how buyer expectations “have been dumbed down.” A high-end custom home builder for 33 years, he deals with discriminating customers daily. Their testimonials and referrals attest that he walks the customer service talk.
As a service to the greater Austin community Zbranek shares his passion and message about creating exceptional customer service for clients. The women chamber members thoroughly enjoyed this unique opportunity to discover a winning success formula for building their business from someone who’s been there, done that!
The Women’s Chamber of Commerce of Texas in Austin has been connecting and enriching the lives of women of Texas for two decades. The Chamber was founded in the late 1980s by women who envisioned a business organization focused on economic empowerment for women. The founders were working women determined to create an organization relevant for contemporary women. The mission of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce of Texas is economic empowerment of women focused in three strategic areas: Business and leadership development, relationship networking, and advocacy in the private and public areas.